Saturday, July 27, 2019

No topic(just answer the question) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

No topic(just answer the question) - Case Study Example At the same time, this option will ensure marriage minded individuals are not undermine by providing them with a platform that lacked previously. This group of individuals are often neglected by many players in the industry eHarmony operates and this makes it a lucrative path. Through the option, eHarmony will be able to market itself more and ensure more growth. The option will also ensure more growth for the company and will be in line with eHarmony investment in research. The final reason, why the option should be given a consideration, is that it provides viable avenues for various differentiations for eHarmony. The company operates in a rather dynamic and competitive industry and these forms the root for constraints and challenges associated with recommended option two. Option two faces challenge of competition. Being that eHarmony company also competes with Yahoo! Personals that attract significant individuals losing customers to them may be possible. Finally, if the strategy such as matching algorithm is not fully implemented, eHarmony may lose significantly on section of

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