Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Mental Health And Community Care Report

Mental Health And Community Care Report 1.0 Introduction This report will explore on mental health and community care within the historical view of community care and the impact of ideological perspectives that have influenced it. It will further analyse the benefits and shortfalls since its implementation, taking into account the impact of the 1990 NHS Community Care Act and current reforms will be considered. Again, the effects of poverty and social exclusion for those accessing community Care will be discussed. The author will further consider key aspects of mental health and the gradual transition from insitutionalisation to deinstitutionalisation (community care) since the early 1950s will be discussed. Recommendations shall be made regarding, especially, how the mental health system (including community care) could be improved. HISTORY In the pre-medieval period people believed that mental illness was a result of the possession of the human body (patient) by evil spirits. In order to get these perceived evil spirits out they drilled holes in the skull of such people. Andreasen (2001) tries to give credence to this by mentioning that scientists have found fossils of drilled skulls that are about 10,000 years old. During the middle ages a belief in Europe was that witchcraft was the reason for mental illness. As a punishment such people with mental illness were killed by burning, hanging or drowning. Some were put in government institutions called poorhouses. By the 1500s many European nations had built special institutions to separate the mentally ill from the rest of society. One of the most famous of such institutions was the St. Mary of Bethlehem in London which was built in 1247 and declared a hospital exclusively for the insane by 1547 It is widely known widely known as Bedlam. According to Butcher et al (2009) , inmates suffered from unsanitary conditions, beatings and other harsh treatment. This included violent patients being used for shows display shows for the public to pay and watch, while gentler patients were sent to beg for charity on the streets. A lot has changed in the United Kingdom especially with the relative improvement in the mental health institutions or hospitals and also with the emphasis on community care since the 1950s. In fact some see care in community, usually referred to as community care in as a replacement for hospitalization and any other form of institutionalization of people with mental ill health. However, these historical perspectives of mental illness can stick in peoples minds, and can still cause stigma today. Goffman(1961) Community Care Skidmore (1997) describes community care to be the various services available to help individuals manage their physical and mental health problems in the community with dignity and independence in order to avoid social isolation. Similarly, Clough and Hadley (1996) explained that community care can be means of providing the right level of intervention and support to enable people to attain utmost autonomy and control over their own lives. The author notes that in order for these to be achieved, it will require support by formal and informal carers input The development of community mental health care has evolved over a period of years as opposed to institutional care. Goffman (1961) stated that social and political changes influenced the movement away from isolation of mentally ill in old Victorian asylums towards their integration into the community. Currently, there are various services that have been put in place to support people who have mental health problems and are leaving in the community. These services includes (Sainsbury centre of mental health 2003) HISTORY Community care has historically always been financed through a mixed economy financed by both the state and by users charges, and provided by voluntary sector organisations, commercial profit organisations, the state and the family (Lewis. J). Social scientist have made an association with informal care to family member participation. Informal care has historically been the origins of the present day community care. The origins of the term community care appear too traced back to the Royal Commission on Mental Health and Mental deficiency (1957) which notes The Development of Community Care (Bulmar 1987). However community care has a multiple meaning (Bulmar 1987) and historical official use failed to distinguish these differences. problem as it is a product in part of at least, the impact of political process and policy development. According to Levites et al (2007), Social exclusion is a difficult and multi-dimensional process which involves the lack or denial of resources, rights, goods and services, and the inability to participate in the normal relationships and activities, available to the majority of people in a society, whether in economic, social, cultural or political arenas. Similarly, Townsend (1979) defines poverty as the absence or inadequacy of those diets, amenities, standards, services and activities which are common or customary in society. I will argue from the above definition that, social exclusion and poverty are linked. Pierson (2009) argues that government likes to use the term to hide poverty. Barker (2003) stated that in recent years the government has launched a range of initiatives to help tackle social exclusion and reduce inequalities which has specific objectives relating to education health, employment, crime prevention and wider social well being. These initiatives include the nee d for communities to put into action; supportive and innovative approaches in order to promote local involvement to support people with mental health problems, as this will minimize exclusion. The structure of care in the community (in relation with mental health) can lead to poverty because many people who experience mental distress, experience stigma and discrimination as well. These issues may make it hard for them to find adequate housing or access employment. As a result, people can become seriously isolated and excluded from society. If this also includes being excluded from working life, then this may lead to poverty. Social Exclusion Unit (2004). Usual Mental Health Professional Team There is now a range of more specialist community mental health teams (CMHTs) in the United Kingdom (UK) these includes: Home treatment, Crisis intervention, Early Intervention, First episode psychosis, ABT (assessment and brief treatment), Continuing care, Rehabilitation, Assertive Outreach and Forensic services. These teams are as a reform to government policy to promote community care. They work with people with mental health problems by helping them to become independent, working with them to develop their strengths, working together to resolve problems and many other supports that enables the promotion of wellbeing. A typical mental health professional team include the psychiatrists who prescribe medication, the psychologists who administer and interpret psychological tests, the psychiatric nurses who administer prescription medication and give injections, and the social workers who have specialized knowledge in assessing and planning treatment (Suppes and Wells, 2000). Conclusion/Recommendations The gradual transition from institutionalisation to community care since the 1950s is certainly not unhealthy. It only would yield no positive results if, borrowing the words of Skidmore (1994), people with mental health problem are not just decanted into the community without an identification of the informal carers. Social exclusion is a major concern in promoting recovery for those experiencing mental health problems and if not tackled on time will discourage and lead to relapse for those who have experienced or facing these difficulties. Promoting social inclusion will usually includes promoting equal opportunities for those who are excluded and experiencing discrimination so I can therefore say there is a clear link between promoting social inclusion and promoting equality and diversity to alleviate poverty. I also believe that the Mental health practice which is currently driven by the National Service Framework which aims at reducing discrimination and social exclusion to improve mental health of the population should be supported by mental health professionals to build social inclusion into clinical practice by including in the care plans of users their aspirations for work, education, relationship and other chosen journeys of recovery. The following recommendations are worthy of consideration in the bid to improve the current mental health system in the United Kingdom. Research concerning how institutional and community care can be improved Reduction of stigma against people with mental illness since that can jeopardize their speedy recovery whilst in the community. Involvement of informal carers in decision-making regarding treatment of patients Attend to the health needs of informal carers Informal carers should be trained on how best they can take care of patients. The British government should invest more in community care especially with the needs of patients in communities. Deinstitutionalization should be done more gradually and carefully especially in the case of people with chronic mental illness.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Ishmael Essay -- essays research papers

Ishmael The book Ishmael, which was written by Daniel Quinn, is an adventure for the human mind and for society as a whole. Throughout the book Quinn explores many factual scientific principals, but the intent of the book is not to give one a lecture on science. The intentions of Quinn are to discuss and examine the beginnings and also the history of our ecologically dominating culture in which we live in. In this book, Ishmael is a telepathic, highly educated gorilla who explores with his fifth pupil the stories of the Takers and the Leavers. The Takers is a society in which man has freed himself from living day to day, through this wondering if he will be able to find food tomorrow. Takers believe that through technology they can achieve a perfect world where no one suffers from hunger, disease, and poverty. Ishmael though points out that through this search for this perfect world that this has lead to the desecration of the Leaver culture and a decline in community diversity; humanity mus t find a different way to live. The Leavers are a different culture with a different outlook than the Takers. The Leavers live within their means and do not exempt themselves from the laws of competition. From Ishmael, â€Å"The Leaver lifestyle it’s about letting the rest of the community live---and agriculturalists can do that† (Quinn 250). Leavers see the world before the humans as orderly, and in perfect working condition. As a result of the Leavers not producing excessive food their numbe...

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Buddhism & History

Buddhism is a spiritual practice that leads to insight true nature of life It’s a practice of mind developing like the awareness ,kindness and wisdom. The history of transformation of Japanese marriage and kinship over the course of Hein (794-1185) and Kamakura (1185-1333). The role of Buddhist funerary and memorial rituals in creation. Graveyards have been deserted and lonely places were known as such, yet there is something inappropriate in this. In the beginning of the eleventh century we find no evidence of such resident grave tenders.In the later periods,  the development of more permanent stone markers for graves, the burial became a site of worship. It became the place to define a family group and strengthen the bond of kinship. The preservation of bones and the development of maintained, regularly visited grave are indicators of the signification of Japanese kinship practices that took place through the medium of Buddhist death ritual and memorial practice. The langu age of kinship and gender of the Chinese ritual has changed the Japanese family. The introduction of Chinese Buddhist ideas about the postmortem lives of families had ramifications for many generations of men and women to come.Women in Japan were not always temporary members of the families of their birth. The women kept their family names after marriage. A daughter would leave their family to become a wife and a mother with the family which she would come to be identified. At death she would join the family lineage as the consort of father-cum-ancestor and genetrix link of the present link of the patrilineal link. It was Buddhist rituals that shape family links. The burial of daughters with their father’s represents the continuing indispensability of women in the avuncular politics. They died as their father’s daughter’s and buried amongpartrilineal relatives, their bones revered ancestral relics by the children and grandchildren of their brother. In addition t o age restrictions, Japan also prohibits close relatives from getting married. This is a very common marriage rule that is held by many modern nations. Close relatives include blood relatives, step relatives and adoptive relatives. However, the period of most intense preoccupation with. Keeping daughter’s' bone’s â€Å"in the family† ironically marked the initial entrenchment of agnatic, or partrilineal, principles of descent in Japan. The posthumous divorce was common in mayareas in Japan. This was the custom was that the most women commit suicide or had failed to produced male children was sent back to her natal family. This act signifies severing of ties with the dead women and responsibilities for her funeral rite, burial and memorial services back onto her family that had raised her. The idea of married woman belongs to their husbands and sons comes as no surprises. The memorial practices gathered by the Japanese folklorist in the twentieth century reveal a great deal of regional variation. Japanese kinship system daughters leaves their families to live and die.The idea that a daughter should stay with her father came to apply to final place as it had to marriage residence. By the end of the Murumachi period, the women lived by their husband’s people. Ancestor consciousness in Japan is very weak. Only with the importation of the concept of lineage from the Korean Peninsula does the history of ancestor worship begun. Reference : â€Å" The Early Stages In The Development of Group Descent of Organization,† in Kinship Organization in Late Imperial China, ed. Patricia Ebrey and James Watson( Berkely University of California Press, 1986) 16-61

Friday, January 3, 2020

Violence in the Media is Not to Blame for the Effect on...

The Effect of Violence in the Media on Children Television, movies, and video games are a big part of children’s lives in today’s technologically advanced society. However, there is a big controversy questioning the effects of these media outlets on children. Much of society claims to have proof for the belief that media violence affects children negatively. However, I am skeptical of the evidence that is stated to prove that claim. I feel that society has placed the blame on these mediums for the violent acts, however serious or trivial, that children commit way too easily, before they even begin to examine the parenting of today’s society. Television, movies, and video games are not the primary causes for acts of violence and†¦show more content†¦Many children are spending most of their time in front of a television screen or in front of a video game and who knows how many acts of murders or violent crimes an average kid witnessed even before the age of 12. My question is what does seeing these images actually do to a kid. Many people seem to think that seeing these images will make the child more aggressive and make them more violent. But, that doesn’t mean that the kid will go out and murder someone. Some people think so because they believe that what kid’s see on television will want to make a kid hurt someone else. Often when a kid commits a violent crime, the blame goes to television or movies or video games. I think this happens because they are a source of violence and many people believe that media violence will cause real life violence. They also blame these sources of media because it s eems to be the easiest thing to blame it on. When people are shocked by a crime committed by a kid, such as the one recently committed in Chicago, where the two boys raped and killed a little girl for no apparent reason, they want an excuse for why it happened. When one can’t be found, they are quick to blame it on the violent television shows or the video game with the most blood in it. My belief is that people will single out violence on television, movies, and video games as an explanation for kidsShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Media On Young Children, Teenagers, And Adults1297 Words   |  6 Pagesoutraged by violence in the media. Whether in video games, books, radio, music, or television, there is always someone or something to blame for the violence. Violence is everywhere in the media , there is no disagreeing with that. Whether it be movies, television, video games, or music, there will always be violence, but blaming it on movies, television, video games, or music is not the answer. 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