Saturday, August 31, 2019

Macbeth English Ib-Hl Essay

ENGLISH HL SHAKESPEARE- MACBETH ESSAY It is human nature to be intrigued by all things mystical and dangerous. We fear the unknown but seek it nonetheless out of greed. Most of Shakespeare’s works hold an element of the supernatural and the play Macbeth is no exception. In this play we see a contemporary morality that warns of the dangers of trafficking with instruments of darkness; the witches in the play prophesize of Macbeths future as king, and Macbeth blinded by his hunger for power fails to recognize that the witches prophecies are luring him to evil .In act 1 scene 3 we see the effect that the excitement of the prophecies has had on his imagination as he begins to contemplate murdering the king. As Macbeth gets closer to kingship his imagination grows wild and evil. This essay will aim to describe how internal conflict, imagery and themes are used in establishing Macbeth’s confused, guilty and eventually confident state of mind as he made his way to Duncanâ€℠¢s chamber. Macbeth suffers from internal conflict as he battles with his guilt and ambitions to be king. The internal conflict of Man verses himself is seen in Macbeths aside in act 1 scene 3.This aside holds many powerful statements by Macbeth about his sense of confusion and torn state of mind. For example â€Å"the supernatural soliciting (temptation) cannot be ill- cannot be good†¦ if good, why do I yield to that suggestion† is an antithesis that gives the audience further insight into Macbeth’s way of reason. When broken down, this antithesis show that Macbeth knew something terrible was going to happened (â€Å"cannot be good†) but Macbeth, energized by the prophecies and possibility that he will be king (â€Å"cannot be ill†) knows he lacks the strength to overcome his desires.Macbeth is deeply agonized at the thought of killing the king who he has gained honor, respect and a good reputation from. He takes pride in his honor and fears ruining it. But the chance of being kings is too great of an opportunity for Macbeth to give up. To audiences and/or readers new to Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth may seem ruthless. But his doubts and uncertainties about killing the king show some sense of compassion and morality. Shakespeare often presents uncertain and abnormal conditions of the mind in the leading protagonists in his plays in order to excite and arouse emotions whether it is of pity, fear or astonishment within the udience. Macbeth does not think so much about the wrongness of killing Duncan but rather he looks at the innocence of Duncan and thinks about how the people will feel if the king were dead. Macbeth therefore spirals himself into a confused and hesitant state of mind as he fights to wrestle down his guilt in order to follow through with the murder of king Duncan. Macbeth has become consumed by his desperate desires to be king and has developed an overly active imagination in attempts to conjure up the cour age, willpower and confidence to find a way to successfully kill Duncan without being caught.Unfortunately Macbeth faces difficulties containing his active imagination and this leads him into mind states of denial uncertainty and confusion. All this is captured perfectly by Shakespeare’s use of the imagery of light and dark in act 1 scene 4:â€Å"stars hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires! † Light symbolizes life, virtue and goodness while the dark symbolizes evil and death. Macbeth requests the starts to hides their fires so that there is darkness, because the evil deeds he is about to commit are so horrible that It would blind ones sight to look, therefore partial blindness is necessary to carry it out.Light and darkness are extended metaphors to represent nature. Macbeth hides from nature (hides from the light of the stars) and uses nature to hide his cruel intentions (performs the murder in the dark of night). This particular phrase shows eq uivocation whereby Macbeth is denying himself of the knowledge that he is capable of such horrors by wanting the stars to hide their light from him. It is within this denial that a glimmer of uncertainty and confusion peak through Macbeth. If he were certain about the murder he would have had the confidence to face the exposing light of nature fearlessly.True evil fears no good. Macbeth fears the light then he cannot be a purely evil individual. A purely evil individual fears nothing but himself and to add to that note that is reason why Macbeth is referred to as a tragic hero and not a villain. His tragedy is profound because he realizes that killing the king is wrong and mentally and physically he is very hesitant to do so but he still give into his selfishness ambitions as he makes his ways to Duncan’s chambers. As we move closer to the king’s murder in act 2, the evil in Macbeth begins to strengthen and solidify.We begin to see the cunning traits of a murder surfac e in Macbeth as the theme of appearance verses reality is brought out in his character at the end of act 1 scene 7 when he says â€Å"false face must hide what false heart doth know†. This example implies that one can never truly tell what is on someone else mind by looking at the face; the face will hide the truth that the heart and mind (conscience) knows. There is a metaphoric reference to the reality that is behind Macbeth’s appearance. The false face that Macbeth speaks of is like a mask worn by a thief.Like a thief he will put on a mask and steal Duncan’s life and crown away from him and no will would know it is him as he is disguised. In the beginning of this scene Macbeth had come to the conclusion that his ambitions were not justified enough to kill Duncan who was a good king and good man. When he told his wife that they must not go ahead with the plans she questions his manhood. In my opinion Macbeth’s need to prove his manhood is the driving fo rce that fuels his strength to follow through with the murder. It is important to note that Macbeth is a strong soldier but a week man.He burdens insecurities about being barren. If it were not for lady Macbeth and her ridicule about his cowardice, Macbeth would have never risen to the occasion. As he made his way to Duncan’s chamber Macbeth still had hesitations however his wife scrutiny and attack on his manhood gave him the confidence to see their plans through. The tragic tale of Macbeth epitomizes the deadliness that ambition for power holds. Within an instant Macbeth’s honorable and worthy service in battle evolves itself into a cowardly attack on a helpless victim all in the name of greed and power.Macbeth is not a dastardly villain. He is a fallen hero who has been stained by malignant ambitions and insecurities of his manhood driven not only by himself but also by the dominant female figures in the play (the witches and Lady Macbeth in particular). Macbeth cra ves and strives for the crown of Scotland. However as the time to kill the king breaches closer and closer Macbeth has an increasing sense of confusion and uncertainty about the person he is and the person he is about to become.

Friday, August 30, 2019

On Humanism and Determinism Essay

Before my first year in college started, Mama and I went to the mall to buy school-related things, including notebooks, pens, and a bag. When we arrived at the shoes-section, I found myself stuck in deciding which pair I should choose. Well, it’s not because I don’t like any—actually, I’ve found what kind of pair I want, but my mother kept on insisting another pair. It ended up that I bought what she liked for me because the pair that I liked didn’t have a size appropriate for my feet. From this situation, I wondered if I had any sense of freedom at all. It is inevitably true that the topic about freedom has always shaken the world of human beings since time immemorial. I wonder, too, if I am really a free being. For me to be able to know if I am really free, I would need to answer some questions that might fulfill my inquiry: What is freedom? What does it mean to be free? Are we free beings? To help me with my questions, I read about an argument between determinism and freedom. Also, I read Baruch Spinoza’s (a determinist and one of the most important modern philosophers) claim on freedom. Determinism is the thesis of universal causation: in simple terms, it claims that everything in this world is caused. On the other hand, freedom is the state of being free from restraints. As a doctrine, it maintains that some of our actions are free. These are both paradoxical—something inconsistent and contradictory. This is because if everything is caused, then so are the actions that we claim to be free. But they (actions) are the result of some causes which made us perform actions, so we are not free. How is that?  Baruch Spinoza, as a determinist, also stated that we are â€Å"not free agents but parts of a divine machine which thinks and acts in accordance with the eternal laws of nature†, in short we are not free. Why? I will answer my own questions by defining what freedom is. Freedom is the exemption or liberty from slavery or imprisonment. It is the liberty of choice or action. It is also the state of the will as the first cause of human actions, or self-determination in human beings [1]. To be free is to enable one to do what s/he wanted to do. To start the argument, let us first take a look at the Holy Bible. Another blessing that God gave us when He made us in His image is the gift of freewill or the freedom to choose. Through this gift we are given the power to act and not to act, and so, to perform deliberate acts of our own. Man is rational and therefore, like God, he is created with free will and is master over his acts. In this statement, it is given that we are given the freedom to do what we wanted to do. But, according to the determinist Baruch Spinoza, it might go the other way: that we are not really as free as we think. Spinoza had an inquiry on the following things: (1) What sort of world do we live in? 2) Who put us here? (3) Why? I would like to focus on question number 3, but first there must be answers on numbers 1 and 2. What sort of world do we live in? Spinoza answers that the world is infinite and eternal—it has no beginning and end in the space and time. It was never created and destroyed, and is just simply, profoundly and eternally is. For the next question on â€Å"Who put us here†, Spinoza answered that it’s God. God, Spinoza asserts, is the world. Each of us is a definite and an important part of Him—a cell in His body, a segment of him. Every human body, therefore, is a part of God’s body. Everything that happens in the world—our faith, destiny and actions—are in accordance with God’s plan. In the third question, it was asked, â€Å"Why? †. The answer to this question, according to Spinoza, is that we have been born in order to be happy. But, what is â€Å"happiness†? [2]It is the presence of pleasure and the absence of pain. To be able to attain this, we must first try to find our limitations—for example, that we are only parts of God’s divine machine, and that we follow God’s will. As for human will, it also follows the laws of necessity. There is no such thing as â€Å"free will†. Why? This is because the actions that we do are determined by a cause, which is determined by another cause, and this by another, and so on to infinity. The actions that we do are dependent upon another action. This, then, follows the claim of Determinism, that every action is caused. As to the first sentence of my introduction, I had to buy things because college is starting. The cause of my action (to buy things) is because I need (necessity) those objects for school. Next is this: I had to choose the other pair of shoes because there’s no appropriate size for the one that I would like to choose. There was no choice to the situation. This is what we call a â€Å"determinist position†. It claims that no actions are free. Spinoza, as a determinist, states that â€Å"we think that we are free because we are ignorant of the causes of our actions†[3]. We choose only because we fail to realize that we are not free. Choosing when one has no choice—when one is not free—is founded on ignorance. But, if we are going to accept this thesis of determinism, then it would be paradoxical to itself. Why? If we accept this thesis, we are going to accept that no one is responsible to the action. For example, no one is responsible for me choosing the other pair of shoes, simply because it is not, nor my mother’s fault to have a feet size larger than the available sizes for the pair of shoes that I originally wanted. Who or what will be, then, the one responsible for the size of my feet or for the unavailability of the feet size? Nothing could have been done to prevent me from having such feet size—I did not have it out of my own free will. Whatever caused my feet size must be caused by some earlier conditions and factors, which might have extend indefinitely to the past. This is the Determinist view. Does this exactly mean that we are not free? No, this is insufficient. In an argument we must look at the other side to see if it is valid. If there is a Determinist view, there is also a Libertarian view. If the determinist claims that we are powerless on the actions that we do and not do, the libertarian claims that it is within our power to act otherwise than we do. It means that the act depends on us whether we perform it or not. Thus, to say that an action is free is to say that â€Å"we could have done otherwise†, â€Å"that we were free to do otherwise†, and that â€Å"we have the power to do otherwise†. As for my mall-case, I could have chosen to not buy my school stuff than going with my mother. I was free to buy the pair of shoes that I originally wanted, not caring much if ever the shoes are too tight on my feet. I have the power to tell my mother that I don’t want to buy the suggested shoes just because I don’t like it, that I want the former instead. The libertarian holds that people do have free will, that there is free action, and that the thesis of determinism is false. It denies that all human actions are caused. Personally, I don’t think that nothing was done before an action occurred. No, this does not mean that I am on the determinist side, but I am also not saying that I am on the libertarian side. Either to say that â€Å"we are not free† or to deny that â€Å"all human actions are caused† is insufficient. I do not agree when the determinist says that we have no freedom or power to do otherwise, because given my situation above, I was able to make choices. After choices come decisions. It is up to me if I will let myself be bound by the causes, or free myself from it. Probably, if I, or we are going to â€Å"bend† these causes to our own will, we will be able to prove that we are free and are not powerless, unlike the claim of the determinist that we are powerless in everything that we do. Thus, from supervision, I can take and have control over the decision of my actions. On the other hand, to act freely is not to act from an uncaused mental decision, but to act from the necessity of one’s own nature. Human freedom resides in the power of reason to control the emotions because reason is determined not by external causes but from within. Reason, unlike imagination, follows a logical order in ideas. Reason allows us to understand how things follow by necessity from the Divine Nature. As a person grasps the necessity of things an sees reality as a whole, s/he is free, liberated by clear understanding. In the grip of passions, we appear to be the under the power of external forces; but as soon as we form a clear and distinct idea of a passion, it ceases to be one and we are freed. In this way, a clear understanding that all things are necessary gives the mind power over the passions. This understanding, which liberates us from the bondage of the passions, at the same time instills in us an intellectual love of God’s Nature[4]. Am I free? Yes, I am free. But I am not completely a free being. Our freedom to act does not mean we are completely free to do whatever we want. There are certain laws, rules, and principles in this world that we need to follow. Of course, we can do whatever we want, as long as we do not affect negatively the others around us. Spinoza might have stated that we should realize our limitations because only through that we could obtain happiness. I think that being limited to a certain aspect would mean that one is not free.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Company Financial Analysis Essay

Emirates Computers Name: Instructor: Task: Date: Calculate the three (3) liquidity, five (5) financial leverage, six (6) turnover and four (4) profitability ratios for all the years as per example 3. 5 in the PowerPoint presentations. Liquidity; Current ratio=current assets/current liabilities 2010:29021/19483=1. 49 2011:24245/18960=1. 28 Quick ratio= (current assets- inventories)/current liabilities 2010: (29021-1301)/19483=1. 42 2011: (24245-1051)/18960=1. 22 Cash ratio=cash/current liabilities 2010:13913/19483=0. 71 2011:10635/18960=0. 6 Financial leverage; Total debt ratio= (total assets-total equity)/total assets 2010: (29021-7766)/29021=0. 73 2011: (24245-5641)/24245=0. 77 Debt equity ratio=total debt/total equity 2010: 30833/7766=3. 97 2011: 28011/5641=4. 97 Equity multiplier=total assets/total equity 2010:29021/7766=3. 74 2011:24245/5641=4. 29 Turnover; Inventory turnover=cost of goods sold/inventory 2010:49128/1301=37. 76 2011:42789/1051=40. 71 Days sales inventory=365/inven tory 2010:365/1301=0. 28 2011:365/1051=0. 35 Receivables turnover=sales/account receivables 010:61494/10136=6. 07 2011:52902/8543=6. 19 Days sales in receivables=365/receivables turn over 2010:365/10136=0. 04 2011:365/8543=0. 04 Total assets turn over=sales/total assets 2010:61494/38599=1. 59 2011:52902/33652=1. 57 Capital intensity=total assets/ sales 2010:38599/61494=0. 63 2011:33562/52902=0. 63 Profitability ratios; Profit margin=net income/sales 2010:2635/61494=0. 04 2011:1433/52902=0. 09 Return on assets=net income/total assets 2010:2635/38599=0. 31 2011:1433/33652=0. 04 Return on equity=net income/total equity 2010:2635/7766=0. 4 2011:1433/5641=0. 25 Emirates Computer products and services bring revenue from its sales. Revenues from January 2010 to January 2011 were about 16% that is an increase from the previous years. This was mainly because of the recovery in the economy. A company’s economic health is critical because the products it sells are not primary products a nd therefore people prefer buying food than spending money to acquire a computer. This explains the reasons to why there was a decline in revenue for the year 2009, which was about 13. % drop in comparison to the previous years. 2010 has reported an increase and this is due to a change in the strategies involved in the business. The revenue stream of the company has changed due to the solution and services that Emirates Computers has put in place. The service revenue has shown a tremendous increase over the years. There has been a gradual appreciation from 14. 3% of revenue in January to about 18. 7%of revenue in January 2011. There has been a profitable growth of 25% in 2010 and a growth of about 5% in the year 2009.The percentage of revenue for the past three year has been due to cost of goods and services, which has shown a relative growth. Expenses like selling and administrative expenses and other expenses have been constant for over three years. There was an increase on intang ible assets in addition to other costs. This is because of an increase on intangible assets from the Perot systems in 2010. The increase in facility action costs and severance was because of closure of some facilities that manufacturers used in addition to using contract manufactures to provide cheaper services.The company has shown increase in values because of its stability in percentage revenues because the company has good management, which understands the business, and controls their costs. The company is well informed, they understand every detail that may challenge it operation, and therefore they never encounter surprises that may negatively influence them. The company has registered an excellent net income in the year 2011 which showed an increase of over 80% from the years before. Return on assets is 2. 5 % and profit margin is 1. 6%, which come because of the increase in net income.Additionally the growth in the company has been because of higher revenues and a good cost control. The change in the company’s way of operation has led to the increase in net income. The services of operation of this company have increased as compared to the cost of manufacturing the product. The acquisition of the Perot systems led to the decrease in net income to 42. 2 % in 2010. Health wise the company has shown progress and therefore Emirates Computers has plans to keep expanding its services to a higher level, which will eventually help the company (Peterson & Fabozzi, 2012).There has been an increase on the current assets as compared to previous year from 72% to 75% in the year 2011. The company has recognized all highly liquid investments such as credit cards from banks with a three month original maturities. These because there was increase in cash provided by operations while a decrease in cash in investing activities. The decrease in cash in investing activities is mainly because of lack of material they are important for acquisitions in 2011 as compared to 2010. Generally, the company has portrayed a good fiscal year and their good health.It indicates an improvement in the ability to generate profits and income. The company has shown efficiency and effectiveness in because all the three Profitability ratios that involve profit margin, return on assets and return on equity. The company has a qualified auditor who analyses the financial statement of accounts of the company. Although at one point, the auditor gave an unqualified opinion concerning its financial statements. This is evident when analyzing the property plant equipment account, which is not very heavy in the balance sheet. The only representation is only 5. 1% assets own by Emirates Computers.Another aspect that the company has shown strength in is its Liquidity. The company current assets increased while its current liabilities and the current ratio and quick ration showed an increase from 1. 2% and 1. 22% in 2010 to 1. 49% and 1. 42%. Current liabilities on a dollar re mained stable. Nevertheless, the increase in total assets, led to the decrease in current liabilities to 5. 8 %. All changes made Emirates Computers to be liquid and this gave it a boost and an advantage thus indicating good health. The company’s equity of stakeholders increased to about 2 billion dollars (Fridson & Alvarez, 2011).This is because of the increase as are suit of earnings retained. In the year 2010 – 2011 return on equity (ROE) rose from 28. 8% to 39. 3% in 2011 while net income increased greater the stakeholders equity. Therefore, Emirates Computers makes profit with the stock price variation because it does not pay dividends (Tracy, 2009). Conclusively, the purpose of Emirates Computers Company is mainly to offset gains and losses that resulted from their exposure on contract. This reduces volatility of the earnings in addition to protecting the values of assets and liabilities.Emirates Computers carries out assessments in order to ensure effectiveness both at the beginning of hedge and at regular intervals in order to pinpoint out any ineffectiveness that might occur. Reference Peterson, P. P. , & Fabozzi, F. J. (2012). Analysis of Financial Statements. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. Tracy, J. A. (2009). How to read a financial report: Wringing vital signs out of the numbers. Hoboken, N. J: John Wiley & Sons. Fridson, M. S. , & Alvarez, F. (2011). Financial statement analysis: A practitioner's guide. Hoboken, N. J: Wiley.

Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioners Assignment

Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioners - Assignment Example The role of the APNs will be to come up with suggestions of alternative therapies that can be applied during the process and also aid in the supervision of the patient. In the entire process, the APNs will be engaged in the provision of education services to the patients and their caretakers on the advantages of new approaches to medication that can reduce the level of pain and suffering. The APNs will at the same time also provide tools to the patients that will significantly apply ultimate control during their treatment. They will also engage the patients in the effective management of events and conditions that befall the patients during their treatment period. By so doing, the hospital management will be in a position to achieve their goals as provided for in the plan of treatment. The APNs play a central role in this particular process since they target the patients with the aim of enlightening them on various procedures that would benefit them in their entire lives. Eventually, these procedures will serve to reduce the length of stay in the hospital, cutting on the medical costs of the patients as well as empowering the patients. It I the role of APNs in making patients and their family members understand the most effective techniques amongst combined therapies that will be in a position to boost their options of treatment. To be able to deliver effectively in their role as educators to patients and their families, APNs will be under obligation to come up with a realist educational plan.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Matilda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Matilda - Essay Example Miss Trunchbull maintains significant negative personality defects, believing that the most perfect school possible would be â€Å"one in which there were no children at all† (Bansal, 2). Trunchbull works for the sake of exploiting the youths in her school, satisfying her own, ill-conceived perceptions of authority and discipline, and to reinforce that her level of authority is superior. This is evident in the actions of tossing children out of the classroom window and locking them in a contraption which could be compared to a medieval torture device as a means of maintaining control. From a psychological perspective, Miss Trunchbull might be acquainted to an individual with a severe personality disorder and could well require psychiatric or psychological evaluation. Clearly, Miss Trunchbull’s approach to student discipline and generic education is one in which the student’s weaknesses are constantly identified and publicized, creating a learning environment where the student is not enticed to excel or to enjoy the fruits of youth, innocence and childhood. Miss Trunchbull works against no appropriate model of education whatsoever and clearly indicates her distaste for children in all of her interactions with the student population. Miss Honey, however, is a balanced authoritarian who mixes sentiment, empathy, kindness, direction and promotion as viable educational and psychological tools to stimulate Matilda’s self-confidence, self-expression, and to ensure she can reach the pinnacle of her talents and abilities. Honey’s approach to childhood education might best be comparable to a more progressive model in which the focus of student needs and aspirations becomes the foundation of all teaching methods. The one-on-one approach given to a somewhat embattled Matilda grants her self-assurance by creating connection and an open-communication environment. In Matilda’s home environment, her every

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How do bilingual children and mulitlingual children learn to read or Essay

How do bilingual children and mulitlingual children learn to read or write,speak through the use of role play - Essay Example This education al practice brought to halt the restrictive laws prohibiting instruction in languages other than English. In a diversified and a multilingual environment, many young children find themselves in a society where more than one language is used. These have influence the interaction of people toward their children and their perspective toward other people’s children and teachers, doctors and other professional advise parent of children growing up bilingually. But the ideas of some people about children growing up in a bilingual environment (i.e growing up with the second or the third language) is discouraging and have not in any way benefit these children and may have adverse effect on them. Therefore, when a parent change his or her job and it involve moving to a different part of the world, they feel overwhelmed over the issue of linguistic demand on them and their children. (1) In the western world there medical doctor and speech therapist that advise some parent to stop the young children growing up with more than one language and concentrate on one language acceptable in the environment. For example in the United State speech therapist often suggest that parent should stop using Spanish at home in favor of English and in Finland they may advise parent to stop using English in favor of Dutch. The main reason for this advice is basically two, firstly they clam that bilingual or multilingual education can easily confuse the children and lead to a great problem in acquiring language and secondly they claim that the mother language will stand a better chance over other language. (1) Mean while, there is no scientific prove that bilingual education lead to any problem or disorder in language acquisition. (2) Many children grow up learning two or more language and these children did not show any visible proof that that there is any

Monday, August 26, 2019

Choose two anthropology questions in this six questions and answer Assignment

Choose two anthropology questions in this six questions and answer - Assignment Example As a rite of passage, hajj represents a change in faith as Muslims who attend this annual pilgrimage are considered to have attained great faith in their religious beliefs. Hajj is also a rite of passage because it is a ritual worship that members of the Islamic faith are expected to fulfill (Tagliacozzo 4). The concept of the â€Å"one-and-the-many† can be said to relate to the notions of whether Hinduism is a monotheistic or polytheistic religion. Based on this concept, one understands how the multiplicity of Gods is an issue of concern in the Hindu religion. Among the Hindus, there is a tendency to worship many Gods as opposed to worshiping a certain religious deity. The various deities in the Hindu religion are a representation of a single supreme being known as Brahman. Hindus do not worship many gods; rather, they have only one god and different deities (Morgan

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Term Paper Example They also realized that injudicious exploitation of the communities and the environment is nothing more than making graveyards for themselves. The importance of a healthy community and environment has been realized quite late by the corporate world. The above realization resulted in the development of topics such as corporate social responsibility, sustainable development etc. he needs of nature and societies should be balanced with the needs of the corporate world in order to create a healthy business environment. Earlier, business world were concentrated more on their own needs which resulted in weakened relationships between the business and the society or nature. In short, current companies are aware of doing something to the communities and the environment in which they operate. This paper briefly analyses various dimensions of corporate social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Change is an inevitable aspect of human life. One can see tremendous changes in ev ery aspect of human life if he compares the current standards of living with respect to that a couple of decades before. Business circle is also undergoing lot many changes over the past few decades. The introduction of globalization, privatization and liberalization forced corporate companies to implement many changes in their business strategies. Earlier, organizations were more focused increasing their profits. They did so at the expense of the interest of the people. However, current organizations realized the importance of doing something in return to the community in which it operates. Corporate Social Responsibility is thus evolved as a new term in organizational world recently. Nexen (2009) defined Corporate Social Responsibility â€Å"as a commitment to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of our workforce and their families as well as the local community at large† (Nexen, 2009). Ethics and morality are rapidly d isappearing words from human life; however in the corporate world, these topics are much debated ones now. Relationship building is accepted as the core of every business activity by the modern companies. They are keener in establishing or developing strong relationship with the community in which they operate. Companies often strengthen their relationship with the communities with the help of doing some favors to the communities for the re4sources they exploited from the community. In short, modern companies are so particular in protecting the community and the environment in which they operate. Corporate social responsibility is currently accepted just as another business strategy by the modern organizations. Various dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Hawkins, (2006) has pointed out that it is â€Å"the society which provides both customers and resources to fulfill the business objectives of the corporate companies† (Hawkins, 2006, p.2). A company can never operate in vacuum. Moreover, a company can never operate with the help of their own resources alone. For example, Coca Cola is the biggest soft drink manufacturer in the world at present. It operates in more than 200 countries worldwide. The major ingredient of every soft drink is water. Coke can never generate water from vacuum. They are exploiting both ground water and under water resources to produce their soft drinks. Exploitation of water resources will create drinking water

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discharge planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Discharge planning - Essay Example The family members or close associates of the patient are also consulted. However, it is the physician who is authorized to decide the discharge and give his final opinion. The concerned family member needs to consult the discharge planner who may be a nurse, the administrator or even a social worker who has taken the responsibility of the patient. It is important to trace the discharge planner or find out by asking whether there is a planner appointed. Above all, it needs to be ensured at any cost, that the discharge is safe and all right for the patient's health. It needs to be assured that the place where the patient is shifted does not pose any immediate danger to his health condition and the right kind of health care plan is undertaken to look after the patient's well being. Then nursing orientation for aged is to be full and professional. For instance as nursing and therapeutic tools now there are a range of evidence based cognitive, behavioural and family interventions.(Mari & Adams,1996;Drury et al,1996) which could be easily deployed in aged mental in-patient care; however these ere rarely used by nurses. These approaches were meant to achieve the target of weaving a participative style of mental health treatment so that risk factors are broadly dispersed. Aged people in most countries, especially in third world nations are the most neglected family members. It is often found that even an affluent family does not want to take the financial responsibility of the useless old member. Old age homes are there but a charitable organization may not be able to provide the entire cost of treatment, taking into consideration that this age group is more prone to severe illnesses. Hence one needs to depend on reimbursement programs on a large scale.However, these organizations are mostly profit oriented and hence the reimbursement facility granted to the old people is much less than the rest. It is assumed that risk is greater to aged people's life. Thus a risk measurement and analysis is an important component of health care programs. Often, the hospital would tell the patient to go home once the reimbursed amount is exhausted. It would now depend on the mercy of the social organizations or the consideration of the family members.The cost based reimbursement plan is more accountable for such consequences. However, the shift from cost based reimbursement to prospective based reimbursement plan is a significant move. In the Medicare program, this shift is very crucial for the health of aged people. It essentially ensures that this program mostly affects adults aged above 65 years. This program emphasizes on cost containment, an important step taken in the direction of discharge planning for aged people. The idea is to provide them safe and adequate care under the supervision of the hospital services. The ageing process - physical aspect The process of aging is a natural one; it is progressive and irreversible physiologically. Despite the proper kind of nutrition and regular health care activities, age is bound to control every human being. Biologically we may define the aging process, as a set of altered or modified rates of progressive changes is response to the genetic background of an individual and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Socrates and his trial Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Socrates and his trial - Research Paper Example In addition, more knowledge about the teachings and life of Socrates are available through the memoirs of Xenophon (Aristophanes, Irvine and Plato 14). Historical records describe Socrates as an individual who neglected his personal affairs in order to spend much of his time discussing a number of concepts, which include piety, justice as well as virtue. He taught his fellow citizens at all places whenever they congregated around him to hear his teachings. These citizens usually gathered around him in order to seek wisdom about how to conduct them justly and right. They wanted this kind of knowledge in order to shape and guide the moral as well as the intellectual improvement of their community, Athens. Socrates used a powerful method in dialogue known as the Socratic Dialogue or Dialect in order to draw forth knowledge and understanding from his students. He did this through his pursuit of a series of questions posed at the students as well as examining the implications of the answe rs that they gave for the questions (Aristophanes, Reeve and Xenophon 45). Socrates valued morality so much that he equated virtue with the knowledge of the true self of an individual. He argued that nobody in his or her clear and pure mind committed a wrong act knowingly or intentionally. In addition, Socrates looked down upon the soul. He claimed that the soul was the seat of both moral character as well as waking consciousness. He also argued that the universe was purposively mind-ordered. As such, he gravely criticized the religious as well as the political institutions of the Athenians and the Sophists. These criticisms made him so many enemies that Aristophanes burlesqued his position in the society. As such, the authorities feeling offended by the criticisms from Socrates decided to fix him by putting him through trails and charging him for corrupting the people (Danzig 23). These enemies made true their threats and held Socrates accountable for the teachings he gave his foll owers about justice, virtue and morality within the society. In 399 B.C, Socrates faced trial with charges of corrupting the morals o the youth within Athenian, as well as facing accusations for religious heresies. Most people believe in the modern times that the arrest of Socrates stemmed primarily from the influence that he held over Critias as well as Alcibiades, who in an earlier perspective betrayed Athens in one way or another. He faced conviction from his charges without many pleas to argue out his innocence. He resisted all the attempts and efforts made to rescue or save his life from impending death. He got a death sentence, whereby he was to drink a cup of poisoned hemlock, and he did this willingly (Johnson). All these accounts of the life and trial of Socrates are only available through the stories made by Plato in the Phaedo, Crito and Apology. Consequently, the death of Socrates through drinking of poisonous hemlock marks one of the most famous usages of the poison in early history. Socrates, whom most philosophers, as well as, the Greek descendants consider him as the father of Greek philosophy, faced trial for impiety and corruption of the youths of Athens with his teachings and criticisms. He became a controversial figure in the city of Athens and as such created many enemies through the hatred that he aroused in many of the people he criticized their way of life or traditions, such as the religious factions and the political dispensations. He therefore created many

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Anti Gun-Control Essay Example for Free

Anti Gun-Control Essay Generally speaking, gun control is recognized as the effort to restrict or limit the production, shipment and ownership of certain guns. Over time, the issue of gun ownership has become a staple of controversy and one of the most hotly contested social issues facing Americans. More often than not, where one falls on gun control depends largely on their political affiliation, their moral standards and their past experiences with firearms. According to some estimates, approximately 80 million homes in the U.  S. own 223 million guns. As is the case with most issues, gun control comes with a list of pros and cons. The people who staunchly support gun control believe their argument would protect society and save lives, while those opposing gun control believe the opposite. Here are some of the most well-known arguments against gun control: Potential for more crime – It’s long been suggested that having a gun allows would-be victims to protect themselves against crimes. Proponents of gun control often point to crime statistics as a sign that gun control would be a positive for society. However, people against gun control firmly believe that by having a gun, people could prevent many of those crimes from happening in the first place. Second amendment – The second amendment from The Bill of Rights grants private citizens the right to bear arms. Thus, people who stand firmly against gun control insist that no legislation, technically, should have the right to take away a citizens guns without first repealing the amendment in question. Bad history – History appears to support the pro-gun crowd. Throughout various political regimes, the one constant of a tyrannical government has been the disarming of citizens. Thomas Jefferson once famously said: â€Å"No man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny in government. †

Personal Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Personal Philosophy Essay Educational philosophy is sometimes referred to as the immediate objectives of education. Immediate objectives on the other hand are purposes which a subject at a given time must aim to achieve through the courses of study or the curriculum. Its aims constitute a very important aspect of the total education. They are more specific and they can be accomplished in a shorter period of time, maybe a day or a week. These, too, are considered goals of specialization. This study aims to develop an educational philosophy and relate its important to one’s classroom teaching. Role of the teacher. The life of the teacher everywhere is full of responsibility. The teacher should recognize that the welfare and interest of the child is the principal objective of his profession. The school is for the children and the teacher’s first thought should be for them. At least during the time the pupils are in the school the teacher stands for the parents. The teacher should guard the health, moral, and well-being of the pupils with intelligent care. He should also be alert to discover physical defects of his pupils, and prompt to inform and interest the parents so that relief may be offered. Curriculum. Through the years, schools have taken on many new subjects without dropping old subjects. Schools must relinquish subjects that can be learned readily outside the school system and should be child-friendly and child-centered school. It should provide a variety of programs to meet the special interests and talents of the students. The Child. The child is the center of the matter. The teacher must know the nature of the child to be motivated, directed, guided, and evaluated. To understand the child, the teacher must know him as a biological organism with needs, abilities, and goals. He must know the social and psychological environment of the child and the cultural forces of which the child is a part. The behavior of the child at any given moment is the result of biological environment factors operating simultaneously. The child behaves as he does because he is a human being with needs and motives, and because he is surrounded by environmental and cultural forces which determine his behavior, these needs and motives shall be met. Methods of Education. The literature on the subject of teaching generally makes no distinction between method of teaching and technique of teaching. Writing on educational theory and practice has presented different classroom procedures as methods of teaching/education or techniques of teaching. These two terms have different meanings and values, but both are integrated in any teaching and learning situation. The method of education covers the psychological processes involved in learning, and the technique of teaching covers the use of devices and the application of principles in teaching in order to effect the proper development of the individual student. In addition, method relates to the learning performance rather than to the teaching performances, and method of education involves steps to guide the mental processes (Demiashkevich 43-48). Aims of Education. The philosophical aims of education require all public and private schools in this country to pursue, in the development of every child, regardless of color, creed, or social status. All educational institutions shall aim to inculcate love of country, teach the duties of citizenship, and develop moral character, personal discipline, and scientific, technological, and vocational efficiency. The study of the Constitution shall be part of the curricula in all schools (Peterson, pp. 64-69). The State shall provide citizenship and vocational training to adult citizens and out-of-school youth, and create and maintain scholarship for poor and deserving students. Moreover, philosophy of education is one of the major ground bases of education as field of profession; hence, focused study of such condition is essential. The case study involves the subjects of philosophical perspective of education linked with the condition of determining the future trends of the system. Utilizing five aspects of contributing factors, such as standards of teaching, bilingual education, cultural diversities, special education and the public policies, we shall determine the possible implications of such factors in professional philosophy of education. As a conclusion, as for the philosophy of education, and the continuity of learning and the aspects of continuous teaching without regards to any exceptions as incurred by the society, divine law, and human rights. Every minority with no considerations to race, gender, and possibly realistic health conditions should be deprived with education. The philosophy of education involves the general principle of conducting education as a means of providing universal treatment for the development implicated in a universal perspective. Furthermore, the philosophy of education, on the perspective of professionalism, involves that the educator must also be under the said umbrella of development and continuous learning despite of the governed tasks of teaching. Reference: Demiashkevich, Michael (2003). An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. Pp. 43- 48American Book. New York. Peterson, Michael L. (2000). Philosophy of Education: Issues and Options. Pp. 64-69, InterVarsity Press. Downers Grove, IL.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Developing a Management Plan for Type 2 Diabetes

Developing a Management Plan for Type 2 Diabetes A long term condition (LTC) is defined as an incurable syndrome. However, some LTC can be managed through medication (Goodwin et al 2010) whereas for others, it can be managed by healthcare providers facilitating health promotional support to patients in order to self-manage their conditions effectively (examples, maintaining healthy diet and physical activities) (Hutchison Breckon 2011). Additionally, for this assignment I will use a case study to discuss my experience about caring for a patient with type 2 diabetes in the hospital. The discussion will include the identified problems to support patients’ needs, the nurses’ contributions to promote patients’ health and well-being as well as the benefits of working alongside with a multidisciplinary team. According to Goodwin et al (2010) type 2 diabetes is also known as insulin resistance. The syndrome is when an individual body lacks the ability to produce sufficient insulin or the body is incapable of controlling enough blood glucose level. It is categorised as a LTC because it is incurable. Nonetheless, it can be managed depending on the individual’s conditions needs such as healthy food and regular activities, or a combination of medications and a healthy lifestyle (Diabetes UK 2012). According to Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2010) Guidance on Professional Conduct, the patient’s identity will be maintained confidential and an anonymous name (Jane) will be used. Jane 65, who has had type 2 diabetes for about two years, was suffering from kyphosis on her back. As she has not been on pharmaceutics’ therapy since her diagnosis, she was advised to maintain her weight within an ideal range. However, Jane has not been able to gain control over her weight (73 kg). She lives alone and has no close family members but she has a good relationship with her neighbours and friends. I met Jane while on placement on an aging admission ward. She was admitted via Accident and Emergency department (AE) to an elderly ward referred by her General Practice (GP) with elevated blood glucose (11.5mmol) which was making her feel weak and was also giving her severe headaches, tiredness and recent weight gain (73.6kg). While she was admitted to AE, her hyperglycaemia was s tabilised with a dosage of metformin (500mg) (8.0mmols) prior to her transfer from AE to the elderly ward. Bakris (2011) suggested that nurses should carry out a comprehensive assessment on patients with type 2 diabetes as this will support the nurse to identify and address issues that can prevent and reduce problems that may affect the patients with type 2diabetes. Diabetes UKÂ  (2012), also recommended that a patient’s risk can be recognised if healthcare professionals could aid an in-depth assessment. This includes; blood glucose level, Hba1c, blood pressure, cholesterol, Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference. The rationale behind the assessment is to support healthcare professionals to make an appropriate individualised care plan considering the patient’s preference (Diabetes UK 2012). To classify any interrelated problem, the nursing assessment was to look at Jane’s medical history before the admission and to observe what her current condition looked like. The nurse along with the author admitted Jane and prior to carrying out the assessment they introduced themselves to the patient. To obtain Jane’s consent, a full detail of the information about the process was explained to her (Nursing and Midwifery Council 2010). Jane’s vital signs presented a blood pressure of 138/80 mmHg, heart rate 84, respiratory rate 16 and temperature 36 degree centigrade. While examining Jane’s nutritional assessment, her MUST stool height was (1.62cm), weight 73.6kg, and waist circumference 88cm. It was identified that she had a BMI of 27 giving her a score (0). In addition to Jane’s assessment, her fasting glucose level was stable 6-7 mmol/litre her foot showed normal to sensation, no sign of lesions on toenails and skin. From Jane’s screening, the underlying cause for Jane’s hyperglycaemia is an increased BMI 27, this indicates overweight as (British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 2010) recognised. Overweight is when an individual has more fat than normal in their body. However, an athlete with muscle mass or someone with swollen legs (oedema) could be overweight due to an increase in BMI (Heath Sturdy 2009). According to Nazarko (2008) an individual with a BMI 25-30 is considered to be overweight. BMI is the most common evidence-based tool used to analyse normal weight, overweight or obese in hospital when patients come for admission. It is calculated by dividing an individual’s body weight kilogram by the square of body height (NICE 2006). Waist circumference is also a reliable tool used to recognise overweight and obesity as it provides information with regards to the distribution of excess body fat in a person’s abdomen (NICE 2006). Nevertheless, BMI has some weakness; it is not suitable for individuals with excess body fat or muscle mass as it does not differentiate between excess body fat and muscle mass (Heath Sturdy 2009). Diabetes UK (2012) argued that using BMI alone to calculate a patient’s height and weight would not identify overweight or obesity. However, the combination of BMI and waist circumference will help classify an overweight or obese person, and for this reason Jane’s waist circumference was measured because it is the best way to measure abdominal fat distributed around her waist as suggested by Diabetes UK (2012). Regardless BMI and waist circumference screening tool was used to classify Janes’ overweight, however, according to Ashwell et al (2012) studies have proved waist to height ratio screening tool a better way of identifying overweight or obesity in adult than BMI and waist circumference. As a result nurses should consider using waist to height ratio as a screening tool to recognize overweight or obese patients with diabetes. This is because the tool measures the ratio of an individual waist to his or her height (Ashwell et al 2012). Jane’s height and weight was measured using stadiometer and clinical scale, nevertheless, the use of stadiometer to measure Jane’s height was comparatively weak (BAPEN 2010). Jane is a 65 year old woman with a small kyphosis on her back and according to Hirani Aresu (2012) the result for an elderly with this condition may impair their actual height resulting to false reading. This is because some people grow older with distort height like kyphosis, this as such will result in the individual to losing his or her real height. Kyphosis is a deformity of an individual’s back which can lead to hunched back due to a deviation of a spinal curvature from its normal shape (Kado et al 2013). Therefore the use of demispan measure tool could be an evidence based practice to consider when a patient’s actual height is distorted. As a result this might have worked for Jane as she has a small kyphosis on her back and the NMC (2010) emphasized that nurses should use their clinical knowledge, skills and judgement to classify factors that could impair individual’s height. Consequently, Jane’s hypoglycaemia is partly dependant on her overweight; therefore the main nursing intervention that needs to be targeted is Jane’s weight loss as it will lead to long term benefit for her. This is because overweight can cause hypoglycaemia, overweight is also associated to inadequate exercise and unhealthy eating behaviours considered to be primary factors contributing in the rising prevalence of type 2 diabetes and if not well managed, it could also lead to other complications such as obesity, heart attack or stroke (Diabetes UK 2012). As a result an effective weight management can improve Jane’s wellbeing using nursing problem solving approach. According to Barrett et al (2010) nursing problem solving approach is about understanding the individual as a whole person. Therefore, using the problem solving approach means nurses have to link the individual’s illness to factors that could affect their disease. These involve psychological, emotional, social environment, spiritual and time and if there’s any of these identified then it should be addressed as they form part of the individual’s well-being (Wade 2009). Knol et al (2006) states depression is common in people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Knol et al (2006) also recognised that thirty seven percent of those people with a medical history of depression are prone to have type 2 diabetes. Evidently, Jane during her initial assessment mentioned that she had little knowledge on dietary due to lack of motivation and her dietary history reveals having unhealthy food such as ready meals and dessert while away with friends. Consequently, this has had an impact on her psychological wellbeing. She also recognised excesses carbohydrate intake and her normal dinner meals consist of pasta whereas during the day she often has rice with homemade sauce as well as walking exercise 10-15 minutes twice in a week. However, the nursing team worked with Jane to determine if Jane’s overweight was caused by her not complying with her dietary advice, as a result she agreed that a referral to a dietician and diabetes specialist nurse was her concern and this was made to deliver meal plan as well as maintain her physical activity. This is the best practice as suggested by NMC (2006) that nurses must work together with their patient to ascertain the patient’s understanding about risk associated with overweight. This is because if Jane’s food pattern is left unattended it may lead to further ill health problems such as obesity, stroke and heart disease (Thomas 2008). The United Kingdom Progressive Diabetes Study (UKPDS 1990) recognised the majority of people with type 2 diabetes have ill health complications associated with their long term condition. In addition to this, the role of the dietician is to identify problems relating to an individual’s nutritional status and once identified the dietician working in partnership with the individual will then formulate meal plan that adapt to the person’s needs and preferences (British Dietetic Association 2012). Department of Health (2005) emphasised that nurses should empower patients with long term condition so that the individual is capable to manage and live with their disease effectively. NICE (2008) also suggested this method of approach as the best practice as it helps the individuals to manage their condition. According to Thomas (2008) weight loss through dietary can be defined as a reduction of less food intake to that of the energy used by an individual. Therefore the dietician along with the nursing team main target was how Jane would lose weight through dietary behaviour change and in order to achieve this she was seen a day after her admission. The initial approach considered was the motivational interview based on providing a solution to a suitable diet. Motivational interviewing is a collaborative patient centred approach in a form of supporting a person’s motivation to encourage and empower patients’ behaviour change (Resnicow Mcmaster 2012). This is to maintain the patient’s autonomy based on his or her needs for their condition and that any decision made is eventually up to the patient (Resnicow Mcmaster 2012). Jane agreed having a motivational interview and had the opportunity to discuss her dietary plan with the main focus on the types of food she likes as mentioned above. In order for Jane to have an appropriate balance diet, the dietician and the nursing team worked with Jane by setting a realistic goal. This is because for an individual to lose weight involves time and encouragement to achieve his or her goals effectively and therefore the best practice is setting an appropriate goal that suits Jane (Thomas 2008). It was difficult to set a short term goal for Jane as she was unable to maintain weight loss due to lack of motivation and therefore a long term goal was set with smaller intake of caloric food so that Jane could gradually lose weight and also improve her glycaemic control (Diabetes UK 2012). Jane was offered the importance to a strict diet and she was provided food such as fish, vegetables, low starchy food per day; a reduction of low sugary food was put in place. She was also encouraged to drink two litres of water daily. Her daily food intake was recorded to meet her dietary care plan needs as (Lang Froelicher 2006) recommended. Moreover, Jane during her admission was subjected to weight monitoring and repeating her ‘MUST’ screening progress for any changes in her BMI (BAPEN 2010). Jane following a regular monitoring, on her fifth day on admission was still considered overweight; however, evidence shows a minimal improvement of 900gms weight loss. A risk of any physical complications of diabetes was low and no episode of hyperglycaemia. Her symptom of severe headaches and tiredness was now resolved and she was more excited to go home. Following Jane’s outcome of her dietary care plan, if Jane can be convinced to increase her physical activity her need for hypoglycaemic drug will be minimised. This is because the combination of dietary and an increase in physical activity on a regular basis is recommended to be more effective for an individual to achieve weight loss in a long term goal (NICE 2006). As such Jane’s care plan was reviewed with the nursing team prior to discharge and from her assessment it was recognised that she does not need a psychological referral but to improve her knowledge with regard to her type 2 diabetes so that she can self-manage her diabetes successfully. Even though Jane was suffering from kyphosis, physically she was fit to increase her physical activity and following the discussion how significantly an increase in exercise can have positive effect on glucose management, Jane agreed to walk each day in the mornings 20 – 25 minutes. After reviewing Jane’s dietary and physical options, a discussion about the need to continue metformin helped to improve her glycaemic control; therefore she was prescribed 500 mg twice a day. Metformin is an oral drug to lower glucose level in the blood. Jane will benefit from taking metformin as it is associated to weight loss this will prevent her from gaining more weight (NICE 2009). Other oral anti-diabetic agent such as thiazolidinedious and sulphonyureas were not recommended due to an increase of body weight caused by these agents. Prior to discharge Jane was informed about the importance of community nurse. The nursing team liaised with the community nurse for a regular monitoring of Jane’s glucose level as well as her weight. NMC (2010) highlighted that consent must be given to Jane before involving a community nurse thus it is the right of an individual to confidentiality and consequently is a must for a nurse to respect this. To sum up, Jane’s dietary plan did not make much significant changes in her weight, however, on discharge she was educated to continue recording her daily food and drinks intake, regular exercise, to closely monitor glucose level for symptoms of hyperglycaemic or hypoglycaemia. Further information about getting support from educational programme such as DESMOND was discussed with Jane. She was also given information leaflets which were easy to read as supporting interventions to help increase her knowledge about how to self-manage her diet.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Age Of Reason Essay -- essays research papers

Stein 2 Certain Individuals that lived in the period of time know as the Age of Reason discovered many knew inventions and advancements to improve the quality of life. When experimented with, these advantages brought forth knew ideas to extraordinary people who forever changed the way we look at life. Although many people found these discoveries to bring a great revival to mankind, others rejected these new improvements and felt as if they were defying god. These years were full of discoveries, conflicts, and new visions that of the world. The age of reason brought on many changes to religious, political, scientific, and literary aspects of the eighteenth century. Ever since the beginning of time, religion has been the dominating source of reason. People have turned to prayer and spirituality for a sense of control and understanding in their lives. Not until the years of the age of reason was there an alternative proposed for a better method of interpreting things. This alternative method was science. Although scientific thought spread rapidly, religion was not forgotten. Religion controlled many things science could not. It gave people a sense of why they are here and why things occur. This understanding results in sanity and calmness. During the age of reason, people who kept religion flourishing were Ethan Allen, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and Patrick Henry. In Thomas Paine’s The Crisis, No. 1, he uses vivid imagery and rhetorical techniques to persuade the audience into believing his point. â€Å"Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God.†(Paine). In Ethan Allen’s Reason only Oracle of Man, reason is taught through the eyes of an oracle, or someone whom God speaks to the people through. A religious revival that flourished around this point in history was called Deism. Deism beliefs differed in many ways than the traditional religions for it’s major concept was that God spoke through everyone, not only a particular chosen one. Franklin, Paine, and Jefferson all participated as active Deists, abandoning their previous religion from which they were raised. A key aspect that attracted many people to Deism was that its goal was to achieve goodness and prosperity throughout the world. Although this way of thinking seemed to have no faults, there was the share of those who rejected this idea. As rationalism spread in th... ...cements made in the political movement of the age of reason are what give the basis and shape of our successful governments today. The age of reason also contributed a great literary works. Gaining more common sense, authors were able to use more abstract thinking in their writing and talk about truth rather then fantasy or fiction. Some of the great authors of this time include James Madison and Alexander Hamilton (the Federalist Papers), Franklin and Jefferson’s Autobiographies, and Michel Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur (Letters from an American farmer). As literary works were at their peaks, poetry was on the duller, unoriginal side. It was often written in direct imitations of the British and had no thought or reason behind it. Great poetry would be soon to come in the age of romanticism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The age of reason brought on many changes to religious, political, scientific, and literary aspects of the eighteenth century. With advancements, improvements and intelligence improving rapidly through everyone who lived at in that time, the age of reason was more of a turning point in the course of history then just a period of time.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

After four years, we are finally gathered on the steps of what we thought we'd never come to. We are graduating, finally shedding the familiar and embarking on a world of "what's-next?" Despite that, though, today is perhaps most importantly a day to remember our past. In the entire childhood of memories that each of us has accumulated, beginning roughly when we were still young enough to believe braces are cool, some of the most vivid and influential are from this campus. The high school years are mainly those in which a person leaves off building their lives around what they have been shown, and begins to select the path they will take for themselves. It is fair to say that these last four years have seen immense changes in each and every one of us. And today is also a day to...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

color purple :: essays research papers

Power of the Word While reading The Color Purple I was shocked by the development of Celie’s inner-self. Her entire being was defined by those around her. It appeared as if Celie had no hand in creating who she was. I could picture Shug, Mr., and Her father molding Celie’s body like a piece of clay until Celie truly believed she was an ugly, dumb, and worthless servant. It was shocking to see the destructive power of something as simple as words. Words seem to have the single handed ability to destroy life itself. The power of the word in The Color Purple particularly struck me because I was simultaneously reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The Four Agreements is about the wisdom of the ancient Toltec. The Toltec is a way of thinking about life, and of filling ones life with happiness and love. According to Ruiz, the problem with most of us is that we have allowed the world around us to create our agreements for us. Our parents instilled beliefs—agreements—into us from the time we started trying to make sense of the world around us. And what we are—who each of us is as an individual human being—is determined by our agreements. Ultimately, who we are is defined by what we believe and our beliefs shape the world around us. In order to redefine ourselves the Toltec teaches that there are four agreements which we must learn to live by. The first and most important agreement is to be impeccable with your word. The word gives the power to create. The word creates the world around us and is therefore a tool of magic. However, as Ruiz says our word is a double-edged sword, and we can use it to create a beautiful dream, or we can use it to destroy everything around us. Misusing the word creates a living hell. Being impeccable with our word creates beauty, love, and heaven on earth. Ruiz continues to explain that the human mind is a fertile ground where opinions, ideas, and concepts are constantly being planted. Because the word is magic, humans are like magicians, and they are capable of casting spells. If the parents tell a child repeatedly that she is not very pretty, or that he is not very smart, the child will accept this as true. It will become an agreement in the mind of the child.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Literature Review on “An Echo in the Bone” by Denis Scott

On May 1974, the first performance of Dennis Scott's An Echo in the Bone was staged by the Drama Society at the University of the West Indies Mona campus in Jamaica. The play deals with the destructive impact slavery has left on the history of Afro West Indians. Scotts aim, through this play, is to reclaim and recreate the past lost to our ancestors as well as the voice taken from them, that merely stands today as an echo in the bone.Though he aspires to recreate the history of then enslaved, he also acknowledges that the past should not hold possession over one’s self but act as a guided to not repeat past mistakes. He focuses on the period of enslavement and its transition to post emancipation while using the thematic issues of racial prejudice, the supernatural, gender roles in society and the repercussions of history. He sees the past as a guide to fully understanding ones true identity and culture, a view many of his generation holds in high regard as opposed to the moder n generation who believes the past should remain in the past.With there being limited and somewhat biased credit of the period of enslavement, Scott intricate oral traditions and folklore animate his play to life with a sense of emotional and spiritual understanding. The title itself is a play on words and the play is written in colloquial language in Jamaican dialect and is centered on the murder of Mr. Charles, a white estate owner, whose death occurs nine days prior to the beginning of the play, presumably at the hands of a black peasant farm owner popularly known as Crew.In the pursuit to capture Crew, his shirt and machete were found by the river bed, covered with blood. It is this evidence that leads to the conclusion by his wife, Rachel, that Crew is dead. In accordance with her cultural tradition, Rachel decides to keep a nine night for her deceased husband. The play is set in Jamaica, in an old dilapidated sugar barn behind Crew's house in the year 1937 during the post-colo nial era. The italics in the play represent a prelude of the events that will occur in the play, as well as, the stage directions.A nine night or set up is a ritualistic ceremony concerning the celebration of life and death. â€Å"The Jamaican Negroes believe that for nine nights after death, the ghost rises out of the grave and returns to its familiar haunts† states Martha Beckwith in Black Roadways. Its origin is sourced from Africa though it incorporates Christian elements and is performed to encourage the deceased spirit to move on. Rum plays a very significant role in a nine night as it is used to â€Å"appease the rooming spirits of loved ones† states Mango Salute writer, Nadya-Kaye Phillips.Scott uses the nine night as an avenue to answer the unresolved questions Crew has left behind by the act of spiritual possession. He brilliantly manipulates the characters of the play to transport the audience to the past and present to fully understand the history of the en slaved and his need to recreate it and further more reclaim it. Through this possession the voices of the dead speak through the bodies of the living. It is during the opening scene that Crew's spirit manifests itself through Dream Boat after rum is spilt at the home of the deceased.In Jamaican folklore, the breaking of glass is seen as a bad omen. When the spirit takes hold of dreamboat, Madam uses the light of a candle and oil to free dreamboat of the apparition. Scott uses stage conventions and props to portray of light versus â€Å"darkness. † Light may act as a representation of life and nature as opposed to the darkness of death and the unknown. Sonson, Crew's first son, after putting on the clothes of his diseased father, became his father's vessel to host. These props aid in authenticating the play as it relates to the financial background of the main characters in the present.Primogeniture is the right, by law or custom, of the firstborn child to inherit the family e state, in preference to siblings, it is a practice commonly done in African Societies. The first barn male is treated specially as he will be the patriarch of the family should the existing patriarch die or is unable to perform his responsibility due to mental or physical health issues. This part of African culture makes Sonson the best character to be the medium through which Crew communicates. It is after this possession, that the audience is transported through time and space to a ship, docked off an African coast.The use of auditory imagery is consistent in the play through instances of the drum being beaten by Rattler as well as being heard along the dock on the coast of Africa when transported to the past. In this episode, Scott successfully multiplies his characters personalities without having additional cast, to integrate in this scene. Through this enactment we are able to see the opposing perspectives of slavery.We see the perpetual voicelessness of the enslaves through t he historical perspective of the tribal warfare among rivalling tribes in Africa who sold prisoners of war into slavery and that of their white oppressors in European society through the writings of Bryan Edwards and the Slave traders aboard the sea vessel on scene. The irony of this scene as it relates to the voiceless of the enslaved occurs through the violent act of Rattler's tongue being cut off in the past and Rattler in the present being a mute, here also we see Scott's genius use of characterization. Visual imagery portrays the harsh reality that the enslaved endured being captured, bought and sold like animals, this same reality that European authors dilute to create a false preconception.The play successfully links historical events with subjective fictionionalization which clearly depicts the seen and the unseen, the heard and the silenced. The names of few the characters can be compared with these characters personality. â€Å"Stone† for instance has been described as â€Å"strong, almost as strong as Crew,† however, Stone as well as other nine characters were given multiple personalities which meant that there was no individual characterization. This is better understood in the production of the play which was performed by only black characters who would where white masks to represent white characters.

Friday, August 16, 2019

My Fathers Enduring Love

The people that get to know us best, from our virtues to flaws, are our parents. They sacrifice many luxuries in order to give their children the best life possible. My father has had a huge impact on my life and it is because of him that I am the person I am today. A lot of people say that I am a lot like my dad, because we both have the same personality and thinking process. From observing my dad's behavior and listening to his lectures over the years, he has definitely had a great influence in my life choices overall. My father, went through so much in his life to get to where he is today. My dad is a strong confident man who left his hometown in California when he was eighteen years old and moved to Texas alone. He didn't know anyone, had little money in his pocket and worked in the most demeaning jobs, some I would never even imagine working in myself. Nonetheless, he had no other choice. With so many obstacles in his way he never stopped looking at the bright side of his journey with ambition as his only friend and motivator towards a better and more successful life. On April 5th 1990, The day I opened my eyes to the world and the day my father started giving me unconditional love. My father was and always will be my number one idol. His journey as a teenager made me realize how easy mine is compared to his. I am so grateful to have him. The things he taught me have influenced my life in different ways. For example, I learned to always be honest and tell the truth no matter what happens, to never try to be someone whom I'm not and to respect people no matter what. All these examples along with other things that he has taught me during my life helped me to start working towards my goal and to achieve it. As he has always told me and continues to tell me, ‘Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it'. He proved that to me. My father always placed his family as his number one priority. Since the day he and my mother got married twenty five years ago, he has been working nonstop, seven days a week at times. So he could guarantee a better future for his wife and children, which he did. My dad has a very special place in my life and always will not just because he is my dad, but because he is a special and strong person in my eyes. Dad has always told me no matter what happens to you in life pick yourself up and keep going strong as you were. So even though my dad has chronic Arthritis in his hands and feet, he still worked hard until the point of retiring. I admire and respect my father for everything he does and has done. I work hard at everything I do for the greatest reward of all. Knowing that my accomplishments are making my father proud. To conclude, I could not have asked for a better father. My dad has always been there for me, and I will always be there for him. I respect and admire my father because he has earned it. I believe my father is the best at everything he does. He has been through so much in his life and still is a happy wonderful man. He never looks behind he always looks at the bright side in every problem, he always says the past is the past â€Å"Always remember it but do not dwell on it† you should dwell on the future that is the important thing.

How Does Priestly Present Birling in Act One and Two

Birding is presented as very smug and egotistical when Priestly uses the stage directions ‘confidently' and ‘laughs complacently. These show Birding is not afraid to show his importance and status. It also shows his arrogant nature that emphasizes he wants to dominate the situation, yet when the inspector arrives he loses his authority. ‘Complacently' shows he thinks other people with a lower status are stupid and unimportant.Priestly wants the audience to see Brings inflated opinion of himself and show Birding is the opposite of Priestly moral. Birding especially expresses his self- righteousness to the Inspector when he says ‘l don't see that its any concern Of yours how I choose to run my business'. This shows that Birding thinks he is higher class and more important than the Inspector and he therefore is not worthy of an opinion. It also shows Birding does not like to be challenged so will show off to prove he is better and assert authority.Birding is reve aled to be very selfish and have no understanding of community this is shown when e says ‘a man has to make his own way'. This shows Birding is only worried about himself and his money. It also conveys his lack of empathy towards those not as fortunate as him. Brings selfish philosophy conflicts with Priestly message about responsibility and community which is empathetic by the doorbell. The doorbell gives the audience a clue of what the moral of the play is. Priestly uses dramatic irony to show that Birding is patronizing and as an archetypal capitalist Birding looks down on others.He says ‘that'll have ergot all these capitalist versus labor agitations and all these silly little war scares'. It displays that Birding thinks that Labor are just lower class people that don't know what they're talking about. Also Brings narcissistic attitude emphasizes his lack of empathy like how he doesn't see his employees as people but just cheap labor. Priestly uses dramatic irony to make the audience suspicious of Brings judgment and wonder what else he could be wrong about.In Act Two Birding is shown to be very arrogant when e says ‘l protest against the way in which my daughter, a young unmarried girl is being dragged into this'. This implies Birding is more caring towards Sheila than Eric. This is because Sheila is marrying a rich, respectable man that can be bring good to Brings business whilst Eric isn't doing anything to help Birding make money. ‘Unmarried girl' suggests Birding feels a woman is not strong without a man by her side and see's women as something to make his life more comfortable.In conclusion I think Priestly presented Birding in n exaggerated way that would show the audience what he thinks the world is like. Priestly is showing that he thought the people of 1 912 needed to learn to become a community and be responsible for each other as a war and other horrors is coming soon. He then uses dramatic irony to show that if people h ad seen that they are responsible for each other than a war could have been avoided. Priestly, as a model socialist, therefore wishes that in 191 2 he could have done more about helping others to realist just like the Inspector did.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Effective writing Essay

Effective writing is very important when writing an essay because it helps us explore our thoughts and feelings about a certain topic. Especially when you have so many essays you must write during the years in college, you must know how to use different writing such as persuasive or informative skills to accomplish good writing. There are so many different writing elements to use but you must understand these skills to achieve good paper potential. When it comes to having different type of writing skills, there is a lot to know which ones are important to remember. Writing is not only for school but it is where you can express your thoughts by using strong writing skills and techniques. I think effective elements of academic writing is having a strong thesis, good supporting details, and knowing your audience because this will create your paper. Having a strong thesis is the main point of an academic paper. It is where you have a quick summary on what you are trying to inform or support for your whole paper. A thesis is the statement you put in your introduction where you discuss what your paper is going to be about which is very significant to build well. Read more:  How to write a good thesis for a synthesis essay. Your thesis is very important because it is where your reader will understand in the beginning what your paper will be about. The introduction paragraph is a very important part of the essay, and the thesis is a main part in the introduction for the reader. The thesis drives the essay from the beginning because it hooks the audience. As a student, I ahave learned that building a strong thesis is very important because it has to be very specific on what you will be explaing about further on the paper. It has helped me start my paper with a guideline, that I must support my thesis during the whole essay. Although all the paragraphs in the essay are academically important, the introductions take a very big part of it due to the thesis. For example, when you start a research paper and pick your topic you must determine your working thesis. Your thesis will be mostly based on your synthesis on what you have found in research, class, or even experiences. The thesis can be a struggle to make at first but once you achieve a working thesis, then the flow of your paper will be easier. Your thesis may change during the time you write your paper because of many ideas that will pop in your head during writing. The thesis is very detailed to where a five year old child would know what you will be trying to inform in your paper. When writing different types of essays where you would need put good supporting detail, you have to have credible sources. The supporting detail can be known as different terms such as, information, and evidence that will add more information, and then supports the idea or claim. Back to the last paragraph of a thesis, the supporting details â€Å"support† the thesis with proven information in which you research for. When you are writing a research paper, the supporting details come to a play, and you must have very detailed information to support your research. Supporting details is not always to give detailed information, but also to support you point in your paper. The term sounds so simple to do but the concept in having good supporting detail is so important in many types of writing or speaking. The supporting detail comes after the topic sentence in each paragraph. It is like the structure of the body paragraphs because you must use good support to make up the body paragraphs. It not only makes the paragraph but supports the main idea of the paragraph which supports your thesis also. Your details also must be very relevant to your main point and thesis, you cannot just write unintellectual facts to put in your paper. In other words, you have to realize that in writing you should avoid unnecessary words and to also avoid on focusing on the wrong this in your paper. Good writers probably spend a lot of time in providing supporting evidence and information about their topic for their paper. A good writer’s focus is to provide supporting details for your arguments in a form of facts, data, opinions, anecdotes, reasons, and proofs. Another valuable element to put in your writing is to know your audience. When writing your essay, it is to determine what the audience is looking for in your writing. To produce a good piece of essay you must not only know your audience but also you have to become your own audience. You must see what you are writing and what your audience might compel to it, or understand it. You have to make sure you understand your reader’s expectation, how they might react to your paper, and if they’re going to understand you whole point of your essay. Knowing your audience helps you make decisions about what information to include in your paper, how you should arrange your paper, and what kind of supporting detail you might use for your paper to have the audience to understand. When writing an academic paper, you also must remember that your instructor will not only be the audience you will have. While it is important to know that your instructor is your audience and you must meet requirements in your writing, you should consider the intended audience that might read your paper. In order to effectively plan and write your paper, you must know who your audience is, and what specific needs they might have. The best place to understand is to read your professors hand outs and also their prompt. All three of these writing elements I believe is very important to use in academic writing. To use and understand a strong thesis, good supporting detail, and knowing your audience correctly, the paper would work out smoothly. There are so many different writing uses that can comply to writing a good paper, but having a strong thesis is a main part in your paper which I inform during this whole essay. Also having good supporting details make the essay enjoyable to read and builds it. Finally knowing your audience is a strong source to use when writing the essay because you would know how to write it due to who is reading your paper. Writing is very difficult when you doing know what type of writing elements to use and understand some of these might help you write a good paper.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Airtel HRM

Because we cannot provide ARÊTE'S personnel replacement chart we have made our own overview which we belief that must be a little similar to not only AIRTIME but also all other companies in BANGLADESH. The above figure has 2 approaches they are: Approach 1 The first is the traditional approach. Create a chart for each work group similar to the one shown in Figure 1. For each worker, identify at least three back-ups.Indicate by a code whether each worker can do the whole Job at present or if the individual needs additional training. (A typical code is RAN = Ready now as a replacement; RI ? Needs six months of on the Job development to be ready; and RE = Needs one year of on-the-Job development. ) Next to the code, managers can indicate what additional training or practical experience might be needed so that the worker can successfully perform all aspects of the work. This chart can be drafted in a group setting or by a manager and then shared more widely for reaction and improvemen t. Approach 2The second is a more detailed approach and is based on the so-called DIDACTIC Developing a Curriculum. (For more detailed information about the approach, see http://www. Dacca. Org. ) While DIDACTIC has traditionally been used to pinpoint the work activities of one Job or occupation, it can also be more creatively used to list all the work activities of a department or division. DIDACTIC is quite simple. Think of it as based on structured brainstorming. Call all the workers of a department or staff unit together?that can be done by shift?and ask them what they do every day regardless of their respective Jobs.Place each work activity, beginning with a verb, on a single sheet of paper and post it on a wall for everyone to see. (Examples of work activities might include â€Å"meets with prospective donors,† â€Å"advises the programming board,† or â€Å"updates the website. â€Å") When conducting a DIDACTIC session, it is most useful for one person to faci litate and several others to write down the work activities and post them on the wall. Once the brainstorming is finished, the activities can be organized into categories. The result of this session will be a map of all the work activities?essentially, a unimpressive Job description?of a unit or department.Once that (perhaps lengthy) list of work activities has been identified, it is then possible to examine each task to indicate which employees?and how many?perform those activities. Such a comprehensive list of work activities can guide cross-training and on-the-Job training to plan replacements. This approach can also be helpful in identifying and attempting to eliminate time-wasting work activities. It can also reduce the time it takes to train replacements by making clear exactly what work is done. The Job map can be translated into a checklist to guide, and effectively accelerate, on-the-Job cross-training.Such documentation of training will then aid managers in holding employe es accountable for knowing what to do. Promotion means to give a higher position, status, salary and responsibility to the employee. So, the vacancy can be filled by promoting a suitable candidate from the same organization. TRANSFER: Transfer means a change in the place of employment without any change in the position, status, salary and responsibility of the employee. So, the vacancy can e filled by transferring a suitable candidate from the same organization.REHIRING: The employees who have retired from the Job but they are rehired for their contribution and experience also the employee who leave the Job for a long period they also rehired if they apply to the organization internally. JOB POSTING: The major means for recruiting employees for other Jobs within the organization is a Job posting system. Job posting is a system in which the employer provides notices of Job openings and employees respond by applying for specific openings. The organization can notify employees of all J ob vacancies by posting deices, circulating publications or in some other way inviting employees to apply for jabs.In a unionized organization, Job posting and bidding can be quite formal; the procedure often is spelled out in the labor agreement. Is an organization that always focus on internal recruitment, promotions and transfers. They always motivate the internal employees to their career path in right way in AIRTIME. They always show them the right system so that AIRTIME can get their loyal employee and most importantly can recruit their employees internally which cost effective also. Promotion and transfer is highly appreciated in AIRTIME. They promote their employees and sometimes transfer them to other places with facilities.To get promote or to get promotion with transfer the employees must be eligible for some criteria. They are: They have to be on-roll employee of AIRTIME Ltd. Or its subsidiaries; For Brand S – have had at least 12 months of continuous service with AIRTIME services ; For Brand F/SMS, 1&2 – have had at least 18 months of continuous service with AIRTIME or one of its subsidiaries; Form Brand 3 & above – have had at least 24 months of continuous service with AIRTIME or one of its subsidiaries; Have spent at or a Job in another business unit or at another location within the company.Is case if an employee has changed location in the same circle while doing the same Job/role, he/she will be eligible to apply for the UP; Is cases where an employee has accepted a position as a consequence of organization changes, the employee in addition to satisfying the above conditions also needs to spends at least 6 months in the position before he/she is eligible of the UP; For the purpose of counting the minimum tenure as required above the following do not constitute a role change: Additional Jobs added on the existing Job;Job change within the same vertical in a function continuing to report to the same position or manager; Job name change, if the primary duties remain the same; A promotion with no change in responsibilities; Have been rated other than the following ratings ‘ALL', ‘ALL', ‘ALL' in their least performance appraisal in case of Band 1 and above employees; Have been rated other than the ‘AH' rating in their latest performance appraisal in case of Band F, SMS and below employee; This is not applicable to young leaders in their first year training.In addition of fulfilling the above eligibility criteria, in case of a manager electing a candidate from his immediate (6 months) ex-team, he needs to take the consent of the current manager of the team. AIRTIME focuses more in rehiring. Because they belief that hiring an old employee than a new employee is far more better. Because the old employee knows a lot about the organization also knows the tradition and the culture of the organization and also it is cost effective. To rehire AIRTIME has some guideline.An ex-employee can be considered for re-hiring if: He/she has resigned voluntarily during his/her previous tenure; Must not have obtained performance rating of ‘ALL/ALL/ALL or AH' in the appraisal cycle before leaving the service of the company. To be considered for rehiring, an ex-employee has to apply for an open position after the period of recall specified in the following clause has passed and got selected for the same after going through the selection procedure.An employee who had been laid off shall be considered as re-hired when the position he/she has applied for and got selected is different from the position help prior to layoff in the same or different unit, where essential functions, requirements ND/or conditions of employment differ from the position help prior to layoff. From Competition: Re-hiring of ex-employees from competition (I. E.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Final Film Review on Scarface Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Final Film Review on Scarface - Essay Example When the duo land the United States they get employed in small time jobs, but are not too successful Soon they get hired by a person named Omar Suarez, who wanted them to pay money to a group of Colombians. However, the deal goes wrong and Tony and Manny escape with the money. Soon after this episode, they catch up with Frank Lopez, the drug kingpin who has a daughter named Elvira. Tony gets employed by Lopez, and climbs the ladder of success quite quickly. However, he soon falls in love with Elvira and faces a lot of hardship. Soon Tony comes to terms with himself when he understands that those who want it all, have to pay the price as well. As Montana builds his drug empire in Miami, his power increases and so does his ego and paranoia which as time goes by threatens to shake the very foundations of his empire. His enemies are a plenty and they begin to come after him without respite as they swear to drag him down from his pedestal. Scarface has all the elements of a good story. The elements contained within the framework of this film sets it apart from things like plays, novels or activities like sculpture or painting. (pg. 32) In the book ‘The Art of watching films’ authors Joseph M. Boggs and W. Petrie shed light on some of the critical aspects of film reviewing. According to them, a film is unique if its premise depends on certain important factors which include – 1) The objective and 2) The subjective. The objective includes the external factors and rests heavily on the laws of probability. A good example of such a situation in the film Scarface would be when the refugees are allowed to visit their relatives in the United States. Another example would be the elements that paved the way for Montana’s rise to becoming a drug kingpin himself. However, the subjective aspect includes the inner nature of human beings that involves both